Important notice
Spokane Junior Lilac Parade Impacts to Smackdown Saturday, May 10, 2025 | 8:00am-2:00pm
Road Closures around Podium
Washington and Stevens will be closed from about 8:00 or 8:30 A.M. until approximately 2:00 P.M. from Boone to downtown.
Joe Albi Way (the new name for the road on the north side of the Podium) will basically be closed, but we will have volunteers who will allow any vehicles to enter who need to drop off any who are unable to walk from the parking lots to the Podium entrance as well as those with equipment.
Drivers could also drop off people and equipment on the west side of the Podium by stopping on Howard.
Parking and foot traffic patterns
Parking lot “B” (the east side of the lot) will be available for paid parking for your event and can be accessed from Howard Street (just south of Boone). Other Lots are also available.
The school marching units (some of which have up to 200 students) will each walk as groups from their buses, across Howard street and will continue down Joe Albi Way to get to Washington to line up. We will have crossing guards on Howard Street. Your participants will also be able to use these crossing guards to get to the Podium if they would like. We are working with the Spokane Police Department to assure the safety of all involved.
Tournament Info
Team Check In & Coaching Clinic
We are finalizing a clinician for a Friday evening coaches clinic. Information and times will be announced soon!
Coaches can also check in their teams during this time.
Courts will be open 1 hour before first match on Saturday and Sunday for teams to warm-up.
7am-8am, 2pm-3pm:
Team Check-in
8am: National Anthems
8am-9pm: 8AM & 3PM WAVES: Pool Play
U14 & U18 | AM Wave | 8am Start
U16 | PM Wave | 3pm Start
Courts will be open 1 hour before first match on Saturday and Sunday for teams to warm-up.
8:00am–7pm: Tournament Play
U14 & U18 | AM Wave | 8am Start
U16 | Early Afternoon Start Time TBD based on registration
Facility Info
No outside food is permitted inside The Podium. Snacks for medical reasons are permitted.
Bottled water WILL be allowed. ONLY non-flavored water will be allowed in the court area.
Please note that The Podium has a CLEAR BAG policy for all spectators. Make sure you are prepared prior to arrival!
Players and coaches are still allowed backpacks.
Please click HERE to see a map of Podium parking areas.
All parking lots require payment. Please follow the posted instructions to pay for lots without an attendant on site. There are no in-out privileges for vehicles during an event. Parking rates may vary per lot.
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All tickets will be purchased through TicketWest online. All ticket purchases will be done online at and will provide each spectator a unique QR code to be shown at entry.
QR code pre-purchase or buy at ticket box office window outside Podium on Dean Ave. Good for ONE entry to Podium. Pre-Purchase online here:
At that initial entry spectators will be given a wristband for purchased tickets.
Wristbands will permit re-entry to the Podium. Wristbands will be provided by PFD Security staff; Tickets West will handle QR code purchases.
18 and older Ticket Prices:
2-Day Ticket Price: $25.00
1-Day Ticket Price: $15.00
2 Day Senior 65+Price: $12.00
1-Day Senior 65+ Price: $8.00
17 and under are FREE
Community College Students WITH ID are FREE
Tournament Format
When registering your team for the event please ensure you select the appropriate division: U14, U16 or U18.
What you should know:
Food/drink: No food inside court areas, only water at the courts
Warmups: 1st match of a day for team: 5 min for serving team then 5 for receiving; subsequent matches 3min for serving team then & 3 for receiving. No shared hitting: no ball handling during other teams warm-up period.
WORKING Team is part of ref crew: Each match has a pro R1; working team completes crew and are designated in schedule. Don't be late for your working assignment! Refereeing (“working”) assignment: Teams will provide a scorer, a libero tracker when needed, a score flipper, two line judges, and an R2 for each working assignment. A coach must be courtside if they are not R2. In Canada teams help referee matches in which they play; in the US teams are asked to be part of a crew for a match in which they are NOT playing.
Pool Play:
Guaranteed 6 sets.
Bracket Play:
2 Match Guarantee, Best 2/3 to 25, deciding set to 15, no cap
Bracket seed: Result of pool play determines placement in Sunday's elimination brackets, Tie breakers will be head to head, match record, set record, point differential
Net height: 14s: 7’4"; 16s & 18s: 8’. Note: In Canada boys 16s teams play at 7’8”, in US they play at 8’.
Match ball, all divisions: Molten FLISTATIC (V5M5000-3N) this is same ball used at USA Boys Junior Nationals; balls will be provided to referees from tournament desk
Tournament Rules
Ceiling: A ball contacting the ceiling above the team’s playable area is considered to be in play.
Liberos: 2 liberos will be allowed in all age groups. If two Liberos are designated they remain the same throughout the match.
If one libero is designated for a set, a different player can be designated as libero for subsequent set.
Libero(s) may serve in only ONE place in their team’s rotation.
Time outs: Each team is allowed two 30 second time outs per set. Players may remain on the court but coaches and non-players may not enter the court. No restrictions on court entry at end of time out.
Substitutions: Each team is allowed 12 substitutions per set with no maximum player entry/re-entry.
Simultaneous contact: simultaneous contact between 2 or more players is considered 1 contact.
Serve Receive: all age groups may receive serve using finger action providing that the ball is not caught and /or thrown and the same player does not make two separate attempts to play the ball.
Service attempts:
For 16s and 18s players, contact must occur within 8 seconds of R1’s beckon;
For 14s players, contact must occur within 5 seconds but player is allowed a toss and drop before and between successful serve attempts.
Screening: USAV Screening rule will be enforced: If players of serving team are positioned close to each other, and serve is a fast, low trajectory serve over those players, the probability of an illegal screen will be considered.
Entrance protocol: starting players’ line up on the end line: captain, starting Libero, remaining players. Teams will shake hands at mid-court.
Center line: Encroachment into the opponent’s court with any part(s) of the body is permitted provided some part of the body remains either in contact with or directly above the centerline. Encroachment into the opponent’s court MUST NOT present a safety hazard to the opponents and there MUST NOT be interference with the opponents play (contact is not required for interference).
Net: Contact with any part of the net between the antennae is a fault if it occurs in the act of playing the ball.